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Tu Sach Doc Mien Phi 3.4
Minh Nhat Bui
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1000 Powerful Affirmations 1.0
Minh Nhat Bui
★★★ English Success Books - Read Offline, Secrets of Success,MoralStories, English Novel Books, Motivational Stories ★★ ReadofflineWe believe that positive affirmations are an amazing toolwhich cantransform your life beyond all recognition. They are sosimple thatanyone can use them, even a child, they are easy tolearn how touse (there isn't even really a best way to use them),and even ifyou don't know what that are yet, you could be usingthem within 5minutes, feeling positive, warm, and happy inside too!Affirmationis very useful for Life Success, Money Mastery, WeightLoss,Personal Growth, Confidence, Social Skills, Health, BrainTraining,Dreaming, Metaphysical, Creativity, Business, Professions,Sports,Extreme Sports, Poker, Scuba Diving, Fitness andBodybuilding,Martial Arts, Learning Languages, Learning MusicalInstruments,Phobia Elimination, Addictions, Relationships, Successwith Women,Success with Men, Sexual Enhancement, etc. What isaffirmation andwhy it is so powerful? Affirmation is simply aprocess of thinking,listening, saying or writing a statement toyourself or otherpeople repeatedly. For example, when you wake upevery morning, youmay affirm by saying aloud "Today is a greatday!" It will havegreat impact to the rest of your day. Trust me!Before I explain toyou the power of affirmation, I think it'simportant that youunderstand the power of belief. How many timeshave you heardpeople saying "if you believe you can, you can"?Perhaps one of thegreat truths in life is that your belief createsyour reality. Inother words, your reality is generally a reflectionof the beliefsof your subconscious mind. That's why if you believeyou can, youcan. By the way, what is a belief? A belief is simply athoughtthat is accepted by your subconscious mind. Actually notallthoughts are turned into realities. Only thoughts that arebelievedby the subconscious mind are turned into realities. Thereason whybelief turns into reality is because of the Universal andNaturalLaw of Attraction. Now, after reading this guide you willknoweverything you need to know about affirmations, mainly abouthow touse them and experience results from them to influence yourlifefor the better. Most people want to dive straight in, and thatisactually totally fine, affirmations are not rocket science,andthis simple guide will just show you a couple of methods youcanuse, and we promise you, this will only take 3 minutes to read,soyou can be using them straight away and making changes in yourmindand in your life TODAY! The Most Simple Way To UsePositiveAffirmations Ultimately you will find your own style, wayto saythem, timing etc, but here is a really simple way to start.Standtall, relax your shoulders and stand with good posture - takeaconfident standing positon. Have your affirmations infront ofyou.Say them one by one, in a slow, confident tone of voice - godownyour affirmations list like you mean it, like you believe it,andas if it is actually real or already happened. Speaking slowlyandconfidently is important. Confident speakers take their time,theydon't rush their words, they pronounce each one properly andspeakwith meaning. Optionally you can stand at a mirror and lookatyourself as you talk. You might find you feel awkward, butwithpractice this will be normal to you. Standing at a mirror showsyouyour posture and your confidence so you can ensure you aredoingthem properly - adjust your voice tone and posture as neededtoalways stand positively, and look yourself in the eye. That'sit,that is really all you need - see, positive affirmationsaren'trocket science, get started, put in the time and you willseeresults! ...